Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"The Author of Liberty"

Who is the "author of liberty"? Could it be God? Is it the Statue of Liberty? If so, I didn't know she could write. That's pretty great for a statue.

At another point in Bush's "Please, Please Fight With Me" speech, he mentioned that American is a nation of "freedom and moderation." What's moderate in the US? Okay, there are Goo Goo Dolls, but they hardly tour these days. Obviously, Bush's writer opened up his Roget's Antitheses book and found "moderation" under "extremism." Cause, yeah, this country ain't made of Mennonites, if you know what I mean. (You don't. You might. Well, even if you do, it's not worth the joke). We've got Wal-Marts!

By the way, anybody hear that in Southeastern Pennsylvania, a local Wal-Mart was put out of business by Super Wal-Mart? Yeah, it's a shame. The town's just lost all it's character.

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