Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Crumplers

There is an NFL player named Alge Crumpler (first name sounds like "algae"). Could one invent a better name? It implies a wide variety of things. Could be a specialist within the scuba diving community; the guy called in to make a clean sweep of the ocean floor.

"For a job like this, we need the algae crumpler," the boss said, gnawing at the end of his cigar.

"Crumpler's on vacation, boss." And he was.

"Well then get on your horn and guilt the bastard here."

"I would, but, you see, he never gets to see his folks." The crumpler confessed this to me one day when we were young academy students.

"Where they at?"

"They live in Cleveland."

"And he's a man o'the ocean floor." The boss threw his cigar to the ground. "It don't add up, Keech. Just don't add up." I'm Keech, by the way. It's a pleasure.

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