Monday, September 11, 2006

'ave ya got an 'anky?

'Ere and there when I'm feelin' down in me 'ed and me 'art, Oi think about a big man - a big 'unky man oo can take me off inah country. We'd 'ave a picnic onah cliffs ah Dover anah bright globe o'tha sun would shine o'me! The man, ee'd tell me, "Ya see that there? At's inah palm of me 'and." An Oi'd look back at'im and see his big white beard and eyes awl aglow and ee be wearin' white robes too! Oi'd ask 'im, "Are you a gawd or somethin?" And eed tell me, "Honey deah, I'm nojust a gawd, I the big gawd. Wouldja care for a steak an' kidney pie? Oi made the cow meeself."

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